+31 78 - 673 14 77 
UVAR | Specialist in filters en afsluiters

S390 Solenoid Valve

The Bermad solenoid S390 Series is designed for a reliable long-life service in irrigation systems. A unique plastic casing, cast in one piece, guarantees absolute seal of the coil.
Th solenoid has a very low energy consumption, which enables long-distance applications without high voltage losses. For direct mounting on Bermad valves, 2w control for clean and 3w control for less clean water.

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Product applications

    • Galileo L

      The UDI Galileo L automatic disc filter is composed of several G.K. filters whose filter element consists of plastic discs compressed on a variable holder. This unique flushing mechanism opens up the filter element during the flushing cycle...

    • 6Matic

      The UDI 6Matic is the latest development in automatic self-cleaning screen filters.
      The filter offers an efficient solution for filtering water with fluctuating levels of dirt and varying flow rates....

    • Galileo L Air Assist

      The UDI Galileo L Air Assist automatic disc filter is composed of several G.K. filters whose filter element consists of plastic discs compressed on a variable holder. This unique flushing mechanism opens up the filter element during the flushing cycle...

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